SCA Gestor is a management application made available to all gym managers who use the SCA Online System, with the following features:Student Dashboard- Active Students- Enrollments in the Month- Student Profile- Registration Status- Registrations by Periodicity and by Plan- Age Group of Students- Length of Stay in the Gym- Number of locks- Number of CancellationsFinancial Dashboard- Total Revenue- Open Collections- Receipts by Category and by Form- Evolution of the Average Ticket- Checks and Cards Clearing- Annual Comparison of Receipts- Available and Estimated Balance in Accounts- Cash flow- Expenses by Category- Balance of the Month- Detailed income and expensesProducts Dashboard- Sales amount- Consumer profile- Sales by Group- Average Values by Product- Products by Group- Top Selling Products- Customers who buy moreManager Profile- Open and Paid Invoices- Application Evaluation- Change passwordContact our team and get to know the SCA Online System through the website: https://www.sistemascaonline.comSCA Online System. Simple, Complete and Affordable!